
Axel The Mighty!

Axel the Mighty, He's very tidy
Everyone admires him, He's so handsome it's a sin
When you're in jeopardy, Don't call the cavalry, There's a better remedy
(Although he doesn't work for free)
He's every man's trusty, He's every woman's fantasy, Plus he's goo-oood company
He's Axel—
I'm Axel the Mighty!

Blood—valour—and victory! Ha-HA!
Axel the Mighty, He's very tidy
Everyone admires him, He's so handsome it's a sin
When things get grim, He'll take it on the chin
If you're in jeopardy, Caused by the enemy
Don't call the cavalry, There's a better remedy
(Although he doesn't work for free!)
He's every man's trusty, He's every woman's fantasy, Plus he's goo-oood company
Look out! He's Axel--
Axel the Mighty!
Axel the Mighty!!!

Now that you've had a taste of what is my ego let me say good evening to the people in New Zealand and good morning to you folks in Sweden. The last few days have been great and I can happily say that all doubts of living on a dairy farm or out in the bush have been dispelled, I have come to really appreciate my surroundings and the people in it. Right now I'm watching a new episode of Family Guy and Seth Mc Farlane still has it in him! Guess what I have done today readers! YOU HAVE A SICK MIND, OF COURSE I DIDN'T KILL CHILDREN AND SELL THEIR ORGANS!

You're author has gone swimming! In the middle of winter. It took me and Jake roughly twentyfive minutes to get out of the boat and into the river. Twentyfive minutes of bickering and bets, sadly I was not the first one in and currently I am indebted to Jake. I must provide him with one can of Coca-cola or face eternal servitude. I am sad to inform you all that my videoblogg is delayed as I had to go fish and swim when I had planned to film it, It will show up here in a couple of days however.

Tommorow is school! Hooray! Let's all be happy and jump around! Or we lie in bed and sleep away. Although I think I'll just go to school and do everything half-assed, the American way! One more big hunk of news, AC/DC is rocking their way to New Zealand and will be here 28th of January-4th of February and I'm going to plead my father for money so I can fly to Wellington and see them play, because it would be insanely awesome. Yesterday I watched two games of Netball, which is an incredibly slow sport. It's sort of like Handball, you have a medium sized ball and the goal is to get it into the net of your opponent, there are a number of rules that I don't know but apparently while you are holding the ball you have to stop moving and pass it to a friend. I have the testimony of another brilliant exchange student that also says it's a really boring sport.

In between the matches Paul (hostfather) took me and Jake (Hostbrother) out to the coast and I enjoyed some marvelous golden beaches, blue water and realized that this place is as close to paradise as one can actually get. I can't wait to see it in summer! Regretably I forgot my camera at home yesterday so I can not provide with any pictures.

I'll dig up something later though so you to can experience the awesomeness of the families backyard.

Until then dear readers!
This is Axel the Amazingly Awesome
Signing off...


Melkor - Nick sa...

N-Not cool to change the lyrics on Joxxers song.. NOT COOL. Shame on you.

Well, good that your having fun! And I hope that you didn't swim with the cap.

PaPPa sa...

Låter kallt att bada!! Imponerad. Sommaren vid havet låter som nåt att se fram emot.

Gustav Lucas sa...

Ego boy strike again? :P

I take it that you enjoy living in NZ then! Post more pictures! I'm sort of jealous of you though, living abroad... Myself I'm still stuck in Sweden for some 4 days or so...

And everything is so weird! My room is so empty now, there's nothing left in here but my computer and my bed!

But you bet I'm excited about leaving Sweden! Wish I could show you the pictures of our new house in Putney, London... You'd laugh, it's 100% British, no surprise dad loves it (he's been all like "so many memories from my childhood!").

And thanks heaven, you don't have to wear a school uniform at college! I'm quite excited about that too! (Yes, I used to Q word just for you :D)

Anything I should remember when moving? I'm going to bring a HUGE dictionary just in case :P

I'm really way too hyped about this. But I'm stuck in a boring country with nothing to do for days (wish I hadn't slept till 2 PM yesterday though, else I would've gone demonstrating with Manna!)

CBO sa...

One can of Coke to get out of eternal servitude? That's one heck of a host brother. You should try and bribe him with a Menthos and see what he does.